Andru Valpy Multimedia Artist and Content Creator

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The Next Chapter: Leading with Purpose

Hello, Marketing Mavericks,

In life, they say change is the only constant — and what an invigorating constant it has been for me lately! I hope this post finds you replete with creativity, caffeinated enough to think clearly, but not too much to shake while you type.

Firstly, I'd like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you — my friends, family, peers, and professional network — for the outpouring of support during my recent career transition. Your encouragement has been both a comfort and a catalyst, making this summer one for the books.

From the charming lanes of Jersey, to the historic landscapes of France, the bustling cities of the UK, and re-exploring my own backyard of Niagara Falls, I’ve had a chance to recharge and rethink. I’ve also really enjoyed spending some quality time with my family and friends over the summer months. Plus, I’ve made some amazing progress on my Aimlessly Wandering projects — I can’t wait to unveil the remaining videos soon!

Drumroll, Please: My New Role

And now, the announcement you’ve all been eagerly waiting for: I am excited to share that I will be returning to the pet health industry and have accepted a new role as a Marketing Manager with Fear Free! This organization isn’t just a career opportunity; it's a cause that resonates deeply with me.

For those who aren’t familiar with Fear Free, here’s a quick snapshot. Founded in 2016, Fear Free is committed to revolutionizing the emotional well-being of pets and the people who care for them. Through world-class online education tailored for veterinary professionals, pet owners, and pet professionals, Fear Free acts as a beacon of reliable information. Their mission transcends beyond pet healthcare, focusing on enriching the lives of pets by reducing fear, anxiety, and stress. It’s an initiative that has fundamentally transformed companion animal practice and human-pet relationships.

More Than a Manager: A Team Member

While my title might say "Marketing Manager," my mindset leans towards being a leader in a collaborative setting. I view leadership not as a title or a hierarchy but as a role that contributes toward collective goals. At Fear Free, I look forward to working closely with a team that’s as passionate as I am, in myriad capacities. From shaping marketing strategy to crafting compelling narratives across a variety of media, we aim to be the vanguard in pet emotional well-being.

Refining the Road Ahead

As I make this exciting transition, a moment of reassurance feels in order for my friends at “the store”, and for the fans of Aimlessly Wandering. I will absolutely continue to infuse my passion and energy into my part-time role at “the store”. Every interaction there enriches me and keeps me grounded, and I'm excited to carry that energy over to Fear Free.

Now, what about Aimlessly Wandering? Ah, my beloved creative escape! I’ve had an incredible journey thus far, and I'm thrilled to have a few more videos from my "Aimlessly Wandering Summer Series" in the pipeline. While my primary focus will be inspiring and educating at Fear Free, Aimlessly Wandering will always remain my go-to passion project — my creative sanctuary, if you will. Although I've made remarkable progress on it this summer, it's time for it to return to its roots: as a cherished hobby that allows me to explore, reflect, and connect on a different level. Stay tuned for those upcoming releases!

Balancing the things you love isn't just an act; it's an art form. As I venture into this new chapter at Fear Free, I look forward to painting this canvas with as many hues and shades of joy, creativity, and compassion as possible.

Looking Forward with Gratitude

As I step into this exciting chapter, I’m reminded that none of this would be possible without the love, support, and encouragement from all of you (you know who you are!) I’d also like to give a special shout-out and thank you to my incredible wife Adrienne and to my supportive family — your belief in me and your constant love have been nothing short of a guiding light during this transition.

So here’s to new beginnings, the exciting journey that lies ahead, and the incredible opportunity to make a lasting impact at Fear Free.

In heartfelt gratitude and bubbling excitement,

Andru Valpy